
We connect with the most suitable employers to recruit our best graduates. Our aim is to work with employers looking to gain a competitive edge in the fight for talent and get our most talented students the best employment platform to start their post study career.

When you hire a Ontario College of Business & Technology graduate, you are hiring someone who has what it takes to succeed.

Work with Us

Advertise on our Job Board

Our goal is to connect you with our best students and recent graduates who meet your recruitment needs. Employers can send us job postings for our campus job board at our discretion.

Meet Our Students

We offer several opportunities for you to meet with our students – from job fairs and industry networking sessions to on-campus interviews and career workshops – and raise your organization’s profile.

Increase Your Brand Awareness

We can customize a partnership that maximizes your brand recognition and awareness at our campus in Mississauga through a combination of traditional, experiential, and digital advertising opportunities.

Qualify for Tax Credits

The Co-operative Education Tax Credit up to a maximum of $3,000 per placement is available to employers who hire our co-op students.

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Invest in Inclusion

Most of our graduates are racialized, women, and over the age of 30. This diversity translates directly into increased innovation as varied perspectives inspire fresh solutions for industry challenges and drive new product development. By hiring the best talent from our diverse group of graduates, you can gain a competitive edge in the fight for top talent in the Greater Toronto.